Competition Schedule for Saturday 10/5

11:00am:  Arrival- at Orangevale Ope
5630 Illinois Ave, Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(black socks, show tee-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes)
Bring a lunch to eat on the bus (no stops)

11:30-Depart for Del Mar High School-1224 Del Mar Ave, San Jose, CA 95128

2:00pm: Arrival at Del Mar High School

2:00-3:00: Unpack trailers and set-up props

3:00-3:45: Marching Rehearsal

3:45-4:45: Dinner 

4:45-5:15: Dress in uniform (no cloaks yet)

5:15-6:00: Warm-up & Tune 

6:00-6:45: Put on cloaks & Move props to warm-up area

6:45-7:00: Move to stadium

7:15pm: Standby Area

7:30pm: Perform

7:45pm: Pack the trailers and change out of uniforms

8:45pm: Awards

9:30pm: Depart for Bella Vista High School (bus will stop at Orangevale Open first for cars that were left there in the morning) 

Midnight: Approximate arrival time @BVHS