This week marks the start of the Concert Band season. Throw in a parade, two practices and Winter Percussion Auditions and things seem right in the world once again.
Winter Percussion auditions will be held Thursday 11/29 @ 6 pm. Be there ready to percuss. Justin says “ It’s gonna be a great season”.
The Fair Oaks Holiday Parade is 12/1. Students will be meeting at the school @ 2 pm to change into their uniforms, then will depart for El Sereno @ 2:40. The parade begins @ 4 pm. Check out the map to plan your route in and out.
Java & Jingle will be Saturday 12/1 @ 7pm. This is a free concert, but the Band Boosters will be selling refreshments. As the name implies there will be coffee. Bring the whole family and start the holiday season off with a bang.
Keep an eye on the calendar! Things can and do occasionally change.
Go BV!